Ecclesiology: Essays on Church & Sacraments

Church doctrine & church issues

Reforming the Modern Church [unpublished manuscript] Chapters

Evangelicalism’s Crisis of Faith

Biblical Church Discipline: Cleansing the Covenant Community

Biblical Church Office: Covenantal Rule, Covenantal Care

Church Membership and its Calling

No Creed But Christ? The Confessional Nature of the Christian Faith

Other Church Doctrine/Church Issues Essays

Brief Theses on Church Tradition

Preliminary Theses Regarding Women in Church Office

Sabbath and Sunday: A Brief Biblical-Theological Consideration (PDF only; also listed under Christian Living)

Sacramental Theology & Practice

Word and Sacrament: Evaluating a Mantra


Affirmations on Covenant and Baptism: An Outline [Also listed under Covenant]

A Note on Circumcision and Baptism: Taking Account of Redemptive History

Toward a Theology of Baptismal Transition: Some Initial Reflections

Pentecostal Ordination: The Newness of Christian Baptism

Why Infant Baptism? A Biblical Introduction

Lord’s Supper

Brief Theses on Communion and Covenant Children

Discerning the Body: 1 Corinthians 11:29 and Paedocommunion

Examination and Remembrance: Does 1 Corinthians 11:28 Spell the Death-Knell for Paedocommunion?

Response Article: Venema on Covenant Radio Regarding Paedocommunion

“Wine” Means Wine: A Summary Defense of the Use of Wine in Communion

For more on the sacraments, see also the sermons category.

For additional resources on the communing of believers’ children, please visit