Tim’s Blog

Three Sermons on Purity (Seventh Commandment)

February 6, 2013

I have been preaching through the Heidelberg Catechism, and lately have been working on the Ten Commandments. I took 1 Corinthians 6:9-20 as my text, and spent three Sundays on the seventh commandment.

Here they are:

“Such Were Some of You” (Part 1) – discusses: belonging to Christ; worship; homosexuality

“Such Were Some of You” (Part 2) – discusses: the body in creation and redemption; fornication; adultery

“Such Were Some of You” (Part 3) – discusses: lust; pornography; dressing modestly; renewal of the mind

I believe these are some of the most important sermons I have ever preached, not because they are profound in any way, but because this whole area is one in which the church is under heavy attack, both by way of criticism and temptation, and we are in need of a clear word to equip us for living as God would have us.