Biblical Interpretation & Biblical Theology Essays


The Triumphal Entry: Israel’s New King’s Counterpoint to the Maccabean Triumph — An Intertextual Meditation [Also listed under Zechariah and John]


The Triumphal Entry: Israel’s New King’s Counterpoint to the Maccabean Triumph — An Intertextual Meditation [Also listed under Psalms and John]

Gospel of Matthew

Fulfillment in the Gospel of Matthew: Theonomy and Matthew 5:17–20

Gospel of Luke

John, the Greater Esau: Reflections on Luke 1:39–45

Gospel of John

The Triumphal Entry: Israel’s New King’s Counterpoint to the Maccabean Triumph — An Intertextual Meditation [Also listed under Psalms and Zechariah]

Paul — General

Pauline Studies: An Annotated Bibliography (Note: this bibliography was never remotely comprehensive, and other than inclusion of a couple of my own works, has not been updated since about 2005.)

Reform for the Sake of the Reformation — My Agenda in Pauline Studies, Such As It Is: An Apologia

Paul and Torah: An Introductory Overview

Damascus Baptism: The Acts Narrative as Paradigm for Paul’s Theology of Baptism


The Letter of Paul to the Romans: Introduction and Outline

The Doers of the Law Will Be Justified: A Defense of the Literal Reading of Romans 2:12–16

Paul’s Use of Scripture in Romans 3

The Good News of the Lordship of Jesus Christ: A Sketch of Paul’s Isaianic Vision in Romans 10

All Israel: The Saved in Romans 11:26

Salvation of Gentile and Jew: The Eschatological Significance of Israel’s Future Restoration [PDF only]


What St Paul Should Have Said: Is Galatians a Polemic Against Legalism?

Last Days Justification: Galatians 2:16 in Biblical and Occasional Context

Abraham’s One True Heir? Galatians 3:16 and Identity Interchange

1 Timothy

Saved in Childbearing: Paul’s Employment of a Biblical Theme.

Synthetic Biblical Studies

An Everlasting Covenant in Your Flesh: A Biblical Study in Circumcision

Sabbath and Sunday: A Brief Biblical-Theological Consideration [June 2009; PDF only. Also listed under Christian Living.]

Hermeneutics and Theological Method

Covenant, Predestination, and Dogmatic Method: A Modest Proposal on the Role of Theological Inference

The Old Made New: Why and How to Read and Study the Old Testament [Originally published in Meshereth Magazine.]